Grant Timeline
January 1 – March 31
April: Notification of Grant award or denial, Grant Agreement, and Distribution of Funds
To be considered, the applicant must submit a complete application. Only send the requested information, and be succinct in your responses. If additional information is required, the Foundation will reach out. Any application received after 10 PM on March 31st will not be considered. Applicants not granted funding in a previous cycle may re-apply in the next cycle. Those awarded a grant must wait for one grant cycle before re-applying.
Before applying, we strongly encourage all applicants to review the complete list of guidelines in the Grant Guidelines document linked below. Applying is easy: submit your application via email or use the form to the right.
The Coach V’s 212° Foundation generally issues a press release regarding grant awards after decisions are made. We encourage grant recipients to publicize their own awards after receiving a grant. Any references to Coach V’s 212° Foundation or usage of its logo in any applicant’s publicity require prior review and approval from the Foundation. Grant recipients must agree to the use of their organization’s name, officer and/or director names, photographic or electronic images, logos, trademarks, or service marks, for the benefit of the Coach V’s 212° Foundation in connection with the grant award.